November 28, 2010

Jangan Mati

Hati terasa beku
Merengek benda tidak perlu
Hati kaku mengikut nafsu

Kau harus ingat siapa pegang jiwamu
Kau perlu sedar dimana titik mulamu
Kau perlu tahu ke mana arah jalanmu

Kau penggerak jiwaku
Enjin anggotaku
"Processor" perbuatanku
Pencetus pikiranku

Hoi hati!!!
Jangan kau mati..


Ladyship Atie said...

hati kotor membawa kepada hati mati.

'light won't penetrate dirty heart'

kenal tak ayat ni? ;p

d4uh said...

@atie : true2..btw ayat sape tuh ek??

Anonymous said...

jangan biarkan hati mati berkali2

kawan said...

hipokrit gile

anonemes said...

wondering why the long gaps between the entries.may hav ur own reasons.
but thought of sharing this piece. u may hav read this before, but if not, sile drop by. a good piece of mind. *tibe2 promote blog org len.maaf ye*

u hav the gift to write. all the best :)

*previous comment cam tak kawan

d4uh said...

to anonemes: thanks for the link

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